Category: Culture

dónde vivían los nobles en Madrid Palacio_de_Abrantes

Where did the nobles live in the capital? The houses of Historic Madrid.

Madrid’s transformation into Capital in 1561 marked a change in history and urban redesign of the humble villa that made the most important nobility to reach the capital and build imposing palaces in the city centre. Today we found out where the nobles lived in Madrid. The first thing we have to clarify is that… Continue reading “Where did the nobles live in the capital? The houses of Historic Madrid.”

The vanguardist architecture of Fernando Higueras

The vanguardist architecture of Fernando Higueras in Madrid during Franco times At the Ruiz Jiménez roundabout, better known as “the San Bernardo metro”, it is almost impossible not to look at a certain imposing concrete structure, with balconies drilled like beehives from which jungle vines hang. Although with different names, all Madrilenians know it. The… Continue reading “The vanguardist architecture of Fernando Higueras”


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